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+260 966 489 883

Providing Strategic Business Solutions

Strategic Visions Limited is a firm of management and marketing consultants offering a range of business advisory services aimed at strengthening the capacity of companies to execute their strategic objectives

Why Work With Us

Our Experience

We have over 75 years of combined experience, with a focus to train leaders, successors, and management teams with the right skill sets, and provide tools that they need to succeed.

Our Expertise

Our team of consultants are highly skilled and experienced in the broad areas of leadership and change management, strategic planning and execution, and various business administration subject areas, including financial management, customer service, and social research among other areas. We also have a network of consultants in various fields that are available to backstop us.

Custom Focused & Tailored Services

Our services are custom-made, and client focused to meet specific needs of organisations based on the identified gaps from client needs assessments, client consultations, and outcomes of performance management systems.

We Are Technical Advisors

Your business is our business! Therefore, we possess technical, social and conceptual skills to help you improve your performance by sharing our varied experience, providing technical advice and practical business solutions. We believe in understanding client specific needs and contribute to the transformation of your organization as may be desirable by those charged with governance.

Our Needs Based Approach

We conduct robust “need assessments” that involve understanding client specific needs, performance gaps, challenges and opportunities, to ensure that we provide lasting impactful solutions for the whole organization at large.

How Can We Help You?

Some Clients We Have Worked With

Helping You Design Success!

Working Hours

Our Business Development and Sales team is available to answer your queries during standard working hours.

Prowfit Valley Made It

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